Thursday, April 2, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How To Become A Gentleman From A "G"

Many ask what a gentleman is or what it takes to become a gentleman. The dictionary says that a gentleman is a civilized, educated, sensitive, or well-mannered man. What does all of that mean and what does it take to be civilized, educated, sensitive or a well-mannered man?
A civilized man is a person that is up to date with everything around them. That doesn't mean someone that has the latest technology or someone who has the most. It means someone who is aware of whats going on around them at all times. An average day "G" wouldn't know what goes on in the world as in news and economy. They would probably say "wat you sayin kid" if you asked them what's the most threatening part of the world today. Depending on your opinion a Gentleman would have answered as "Today the most threatening [part] is the economy" and they would go on about why they think that's the most threatening thing in the world. Re: being educated... my opinion is that if you stay in high school for all four years and you graduate you should be set with your education. You can proceed on to college but nowadays you can get a job almost anywhere with a high school diploma. Does being sensitive mean you have to cry every time someone gives you a high five? No, what the dictionary means by being sensitive is don't use foul language around women, children, or elderly people. That still doesn't mean that you can just curse when you're around your friends. I believe everyone is capable of being well-mannered. Its just the way you choose to use your manners. You're gassing up and you have to decide if you're going to burp or not. A well mannered man would take a napkin, put it to his mouth and burp slightly and quietly. Its not a competition to see who can burp the loudest. The ladies think that's gross!
Now that you have learned the basics on how to become a gentleman from a "G" go out to the world and educate all the other "G's" because trust me this world needs more gentlemen not "homey G's"

The Day I Stayed Home

Clock reads 6:00 AM. Your alarm clock goes off. You wait for the call from your girlfriend saying good morning and telling you to get up. You get the call say your awake already but really your laying in bed sleeping like a baby. Clock reads 6:35 AM. This is when you get up out of bed and go to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for school. You don't get up. Clock reads 7:00AM. Now your supposed to be leaving your house and heading to school. Your still in bed but why? Your mom shouts out your name from the middle floor. Your awake but you still choose to stay in bed. You tell your mom that you want to stay home today because night school this whole week was a pain and your tired and overwhelmed. You stay home. You got away with your plan. No one is left in the house but you. Why did you choose to stay home to play that new PlayStation three. You and your friends decided to all stay home and play Call of Duty 4. Everything runs well but the clock now reads 2:00PM! Your mom could be getting home anytime soon and your supposed to have done your homework that was emailed by your teachers and you are still playing your game. What do you do fake that your sleeping. Your mom walks to your room your sound asleep. Brothers get home and decide to play online and they noticed that the last time someone was logged in was a little while ago. They tell your mother. Mother comes in your room and yells at you and wants to see your homework that you don't have done. She knows your awake. You get into trouble and never are you allowed to stay home sick. The only way you'd be able to stay home would be if you were in your death bed. Was it worth being sick from school and being a fool?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Is This Home Or Jail?

clink clink clink,
all I hear is that and drops in the sink.
Where am I, Home or is it Jail?
screams and shouts,
that's what I heard when I robbed him.
or is it what I hear now?
This is what the ghetto does to you,
it brings you to the cell and they give you hell.
is this home or a cage,
if i don't get out soon I'm going to go on a rage.
They gave me a suit, time to go, but where?
go to the general that will decide how long I'll be here till.
I'm hoping he will, let me see the other side of the hill.
where my home is.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The book that I am reading in class is called Monster by Walter Dean Myers. To be 100% honest with you I saw this book on a shelf and it said "Monster" on it so I grabbed it to read the back. I hate reading and I never read books but something about this book made me pick it up. I started reading the book and all of a sudden I felt as if I was in it. It dragged me into it and now I enjoy reading it everyday. This book is about a young boy that takes part in a drug store robbery. In the book so far he is inside of his jail cell and he decides to write his own movie. The movie is about him and his court case and what he did wrong. What I learned in this book so far is that someone in the jail cell set most of it up so he could get less time in the cell by cooperating with the officials. They shot up the drug store and killed the owner. The three boys that took part in the robbery were high on weed. They killed the owner, stole the money, and the cigarettes. After that they went to a fast food place and still ate. This is all being discussed in his court case in the movie he is writing in his jail cell. Its confusing because you have to read the book from the beginning. This book is really good and I am looking forward to finishing it.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Why do people enjoy reading? Many say that it's entertaining, and when the have nothing to do they grab a book. Not me i think that reading is personally a waste of time. I like moving around and enjoy being outside. I don't understand how a person can stay at home and sit on a couch or bed reading. Your basically spending your time looking at paper with blots of ink on them that really don't mean anything. Sometimes articles from the news paper or a bibliography are worth reading because its true and really happened. But why waste your time and read something that never happened or that never will happen. Just a waste of time. You could being using up your time doing something else. Maybe that's why people now in days are obese. It's because they sit at home and read their books. I made this poster to encourage people to read but honestly from my point of view it is a waste of time for everyone.