Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The book that I am reading in class is called Monster by Walter Dean Myers. To be 100% honest with you I saw this book on a shelf and it said "Monster" on it so I grabbed it to read the back. I hate reading and I never read books but something about this book made me pick it up. I started reading the book and all of a sudden I felt as if I was in it. It dragged me into it and now I enjoy reading it everyday. This book is about a young boy that takes part in a drug store robbery. In the book so far he is inside of his jail cell and he decides to write his own movie. The movie is about him and his court case and what he did wrong. What I learned in this book so far is that someone in the jail cell set most of it up so he could get less time in the cell by cooperating with the officials. They shot up the drug store and killed the owner. The three boys that took part in the robbery were high on weed. They killed the owner, stole the money, and the cigarettes. After that they went to a fast food place and still ate. This is all being discussed in his court case in the movie he is writing in his jail cell. Its confusing because you have to read the book from the beginning. This book is really good and I am looking forward to finishing it.

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