Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How To Become A Gentleman From A "G"

Many ask what a gentleman is or what it takes to become a gentleman. The dictionary says that a gentleman is a civilized, educated, sensitive, or well-mannered man. What does all of that mean and what does it take to be civilized, educated, sensitive or a well-mannered man?
A civilized man is a person that is up to date with everything around them. That doesn't mean someone that has the latest technology or someone who has the most. It means someone who is aware of whats going on around them at all times. An average day "G" wouldn't know what goes on in the world as in news and economy. They would probably say "wat you sayin kid" if you asked them what's the most threatening part of the world today. Depending on your opinion a Gentleman would have answered as "Today the most threatening [part] is the economy" and they would go on about why they think that's the most threatening thing in the world. Re: being educated... my opinion is that if you stay in high school for all four years and you graduate you should be set with your education. You can proceed on to college but nowadays you can get a job almost anywhere with a high school diploma. Does being sensitive mean you have to cry every time someone gives you a high five? No, what the dictionary means by being sensitive is don't use foul language around women, children, or elderly people. That still doesn't mean that you can just curse when you're around your friends. I believe everyone is capable of being well-mannered. Its just the way you choose to use your manners. You're gassing up and you have to decide if you're going to burp or not. A well mannered man would take a napkin, put it to his mouth and burp slightly and quietly. Its not a competition to see who can burp the loudest. The ladies think that's gross!
Now that you have learned the basics on how to become a gentleman from a "G" go out to the world and educate all the other "G's" because trust me this world needs more gentlemen not "homey G's"

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